The 10 Best Indoor Plants to Have in the Philippines

Content Editor

March 22, 2023


Becoming a plantita has been a thing since then, but it transcended to a whole new level, particularly when the pandemic hit the country. Loosely defined, a plantita is basically a term that defines an individual who loves to look after and take care of plants. There are various reasons why individuals choose to become a plant parent but some of the common ones are: they serve as home decor, it improves the air quality, enhances the overall appearance of the space, and they don’t just look good, it makes us feel good, too. 


What are Indoor Plants?

If you’re planning to become a plantita or just starting to build your plant empire, then indoor plants are the best we can advise for beginners like you! Nothing beats the beauty and serenity that indoor plants offer in your space, not to mention the health benefits you can get if you plan to have one. More than that, it’s low-maintenance! Indoor plants, from the name itself, is an ornamental plant that is grown indoors–whether at home and offices, mainly for decorative purposes. 


Five Benefits of Investing in Indoor Plants

Having Indoor Plants Can be Therapeutic


Studies have shown that indoor plants can improve focus, decrease depressive moods and lessen symptoms of anxiety. Thus, having a green space at the comfort of your homes and offices can elevate your daily mood and help you start your day with a calm mind. 


Improves Air Quality


Plants are known for being effective in eliminating air pollutants. Having indoor plants can improve your home’s air quality, giving you clean and breathable air to breathe. 


Reduces Stress


Although taking care of plants can be demanding at times, studies have proved that indoor plants can help to reduce physiological and psychological stress compared with mental work.


Improves Environmental Wellness


Having indoor plants allows us to have a sincere interaction with nature. Not only that, it can also improve your environmental wellness by knowing and doing something good for the planet’s health.

Supports Cognitive Health


As aforementioned, bringing indoor plants in your surroundings can support cognitive health as it helps to ease your anxiety and become as productive as possible.  


The 10 Best Indoor Plants in the Philippines

Money Tree


Image from The Spruce


Money tree is one of the easiest houseplants you can bring to your space. This plant can grow up to six feet depending on how you take care of it and how huge its pot is. Money trees can be associated with the Chinese practice of FengShui, which can, they say, attract abundance in life.  


Spanish Moss


Image from Gardeners World


Spanish Moss is a flowering plant that is covered with tiny gray scales, which trap water until the plant can absorb it. You can hang it indoors if you plan to make your space tidy.


Snake Plant


Image from Positive Bloom


This indoor plant is one of the most common ones that plantitas add to their collection. Snake plants are great for improving the quality of the air. It can be planted outdoors, but it can also be put in pots indoors. This type of plant is known to survive droughts–a low-maintenance one so you don’t have to worry if you forgot to water it.


Bird’s Nest Fern


Image from The Spruce


Bird’s Nest Fern has naturally glossy leaves that look exactly like a bird’s nest. These ferns are cheap and are readily available. You can put this one inside your bathroom as it requires a bit of humidity to thrive indoors. 


Aloe Vera


Image from All About Gardening


Aloe Vera is a cactus-like plant that wants hot, dry weather. There are many benefits having this in your space, but the best one yet is that it can purify the air of formaldehyde and benzene and can be served as a decoration too for its chic look. It’s also functional because you can use it for skin and hair care purposes!

ZZ Plant


Image from Architectural Digest


This one is also a natural air-purifier and a low-maintenance one. They can survive in minimum sunlight and are resistant to drought conditions.


Monstera Deliciosa


Image from The Sill


If you want an indoor plant for aesthetic purposes, then this Monstera Deliciosa is the one made for you! This sure can satisfy your aesthetics as it looks pleasing in the eye for its tall and unique features. Its leaves are heart-shaped and shiny and sometimes exceed 40 centimeters in their width. More than that, it also bears a fruit that is full of Vitamin C! But, make sure that the fruit is ripe before eating it because it can be toxic and dangerous if not. 


Peace Lily


Image from MyDomaine


If you are living in a condo or studio apartment, Peace Lily can be of great use for your space. Aside from its delicate look that beautify your room, it can also help you get a restful sleep because of its mental health benefits.


Golden Pothos


Image from MindBodyGreen


This indoor plant is the one you can see in almost all collections of plantitas. Golden Pothos is known for its heart-shaped green leaves with yellow variegation; the lime-green Pothos Neon; and the Pothos Marble Queen, featuring deeper green and white variegation. You should water this 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to try before watering it again. 


Areca Palm


Image from Pots for Plants


Areca palm's growth process ranges from slow to moderate when indoors. It can be used as a home decor too if you are leaning on a tropical kind of vibe and acquires various health benefits like helping people with allergies, purifies air, and is actually non-toxic, good for those with dogs and cats. 


Where to Purchase Indoor Plants in the Philippines


To kick-off your plantita journey, here are some of online and physical stores where you can buy indoor plants:

Plant Culture PH

Plant culture is a filipino-owned business started in 2019 that caters Filipino urban gardening. Shop through their website:

Pots for Plants 

This store has a wide selection of plants and pots that will suit your needs and style. They deliver nationwide through pots for


This shop is one of the rising indoor plant shops in the country. It’s a one-stop-shop for all your gardening needs. Shop through

Nest Plant Studio

Can be found on instagram, Nest Plant Studio offers plants and pots with a wide variety of designs. Shop through their website:


Tierra has been in the industry for 35 years. With its dedication and passion for plants and gardening, it has already built its name and expertise. They sell plants both indoors and outdoors. Shop through their website

Being a plantita is not as hard as you think, all you need to do is to start and let yourself learn through the process and indulge in the beauty of it.