Sustaining Your Gaming Oasis: 5 Tips to Maintain Your Gaming Room

Olivia Barredo

May 19, 2023


We all know how important it is to have a space dedicated for our little hobbies, whether it be PC or console gaming, tabletop gaming, a book nook, or an in-home theater. What’s more important is that we take care of our little hobby havens to ensure that our gadgets, figures, books, and consoles stay in tip-top shape, and can last us a lifetime. But with the amount of stuff in your game room, it can be easy to overlook a few things that would greatly help keep your gaming room well-maintained. To help you out, we’ve dished out a few practical tips to help you improve your cleaning game and give your hobby room the TLC it deserves!


Power Off

It goes without saying, but remembering to turn off all the unused gadgets in the room after an evening of gaming is a good way to maintain the longevity of your gadgets. It’s important to give your PC, consoles, and TVs a breather too, and while turning off your gadgets is kind of a  no-brainer, it still is quite often overlooked.  

Extended periods of use without proper cooling can cause overheating, which could potentially lead to performance issues or even hardware damage. By shutting down your devices, you allow them to cool down and dissipate any excess heat, safeguarding their internal components and lessen the amount of strain being put on your devices. Not to mention, powering off can save you from exorbitant electricity bills!




Let’s face it, having a game room can get quite messy at times. It's common for game rooms to accumulate a mishmash of controllers, cables, game cases, and various other miscellaneous items, and decluttering can help you make more room to comfortably move around and find your gaming gear. Malfunctioning cables, empty batteries, broken and unfixable controllers are just some things you can get rid of, and sorting through your gaming equipment can help you organize your things better.


Properly Store Your Things

The more you declutter, the more you’re going to want to organize. As you sort through your gaming equipment and all your other accessories, you can create a dedicated space for each of your items. Whether it’s using storage bins, shelves, books, or assigning a proper place for your things, you save yourself from frantically searching for that 1 cable and messing up the whole place again!


Cable Maintenance

We can all agree that messy cables are certainly a sight that can quickly turn your dream setup into a big nightmare. Not only is it unsightly, but a web of tangled cables is a fire hazard that puts everything and everyone at risk. But with time and some effort, a little cable management can go a long way and keep your room from catching any fires. 

Utilizing cable organizers and ties are very handy and simple ways to neatly bundle your cables together. Velcro ties, cable clips, and zip ties can be used to group your cables according to function, location, or even size. While cable management may require a bit of strategic placement, keeping them out of sight and minimizing the risk of tripping over them in the future is an inconvenience that is always better avoided. 

Additionally, labeling your cables can also be quite the game-changer, as you can tag each cable with its corresponding device or even function. This makes it considerably easier to identify which cables are for what, but also makes reconfiguring your gaming setup a breeze!


Cleaning Your Consoles

Aside from periodically cleaning your game room, your console needs some tender loving care to keep it running smoothly, just like any other device. Regular console cleaning helps prevent dust accumulation–the silent enemy that can sneak into pretty much every nook and cranny of your console. Periodically cleaning your console helps remove the dust that settles on the exterior and the vents, and ensures proper airflow and prevents any heat buildup! A dust-free console translates to better performance and longevity for your gaming system.

Additionally, cleaning your consoles is nothing less than a proactive measure to prevent any hardware malfunctions! Dust can potentially clog the internal components of your device that can lead to performance issues or even hardware failure. Using compressed air to blow away any dust from vents and other openings can significantly reduce the risk of these kinds of problems and ensure that your console can operate optimally for many years to come!


By implementing these practical tips and strategies, we can ensure that your gaming gear remains in optimal condition! Let’s commit to giving our game rooms the attention they deserve, because when we invest time in taking care of our gaming havens, we’re also investing in the longevity and enjoyment of our favorite pastimes!