Feng Shui Your Way to Relaxation: Simple Strategies for Creating a Peaceful Home

Olivia Barredo

May 1, 2023


In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, finding ways to relax and unwind is more important than ever. Although practicing self-care and having mental health breaks is a good way to unwind after a long work day, there are certainly other ways that involve your own interior design that can help promote relaxation and reduce stress. Feng Shui has been around for thousands of years and it’s no surprise that people all over the world follow their principles. Having a harmonious and balanced space is imperative to one’s wellbeing, and by incorporating Feng Shui into your home, relaxation and rejuvenation will come easier. Let’s explore some simple but effective strategies for using Feng Shui to create a more relaxing home environment!


What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is both an ancient Chinese philosophy and an art of arranging physical spaces in a way that promotes good energy flow and balance, ultimately resulting in improved health, happiness, and prosperity of those who occupy it. The term “Feng Shui'' translates to “wind and water”, which are believed to be the two natural elements that have the strongest and most profound effect on human life. We can achieve Feng Shui by carefully arranging furniture, selecting colors and materials, and incorporating specific objects and symbols into your space.

Its origin dates back to over 6,000 years ago to ancient China, where it was used to determine the most favorable locations for building homes, temples, and other important structures. Over time, Feng Shui has evolved to encompass a broader range of applications, including home and office design, and even city planning. Today, Feng Shui is practiced around the world and continues to be a popular and effective tool for creating a harmonious and balanced living space.


3 Feng Shui Principles to Promote Relaxation


Remove Clutter/Obstacles


Removing clutter, obstacles, and broken things is a fundamental principle of Feng Shui, as it allows for the free flow of energy in a space. When a home or workspace is cluttered and disorganized, it can create a stagnant and chaotic environment that can lead to stress, anxiety, and decreased productivity. By clearing clutter and obstacles, you are creating a more open and inviting space that allows for positive energy to flow freely. This can promote a sense of calm and relaxation while increasing focus and creativity, and can help make space for new opportunities and create a more aesthetically pleasing environment. 


Add Plants


Adding plants into your living space is also a beneficial Feng Shui principle, one of the founding principles of Feng Shui, in fact. The very concept of Feng Shui seeks to create the calming feeling of nature, and having plants indoors is one of the best ways to do that. Not only does it  improve the quality of air, it also adds a calming and grounding presence. People who had access to green space or views of nature had higher levels of self-esteem and happiness, as it enhances the flow of energy to enjoy the space. Adding color, texture, and life to a space also reduces anxiety, and allows you to be connected to nature.


Add Feng Shui Colors


Colors can be a powerful tool that can impact mood, emotion, and energy flow. In Feng Shui, colors are believed to represent different elements and energies, each with its unique properties and effects on the mind and body. By incorporating specific colors into your living space, you can create a more harmonious and balanced environment. For instance, green represents growth, abundance, and vitality, making it an ideal color for areas related to health and well-being. Blue, on the other hand, represents calmness, serenity, and communication, making it a good choice for spaces related to rest and relaxation. Adding colors to your space is an easy and effective way to promote positive energy flow, enhance mood and productivity, and create a more harmonious living environment.

Feng Shui is nothing more than a holistic approach to interior design that can help promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. By creating a balanced living space, you can support your physical, emotional, and spiritual health, making it easier to unwind and recharge after a long day. Whether you are a long-time practitioner of Feng Shui or just starting to explore its principles, incorporating these simple yet effective strategies into your home can make a significant difference in your daily life.