Reliable Real Estate: Finding the Right Developer for You

Olivia Barredo

January 25, 2023


A smart real estate investor will always take the time to learn as much as possible about the property they are considering buying before making a final decision. Investigating the builders who were responsible for the construction of the aforementioned property in order to get an initial evaluation of the other projects they have worked on is an essential component of this procedure. 


When it comes to determining whether or not a real estate developer is credible, many property owners look to the developer's entire reputation to decide whether or not they will invest in his projects. A developer who, for example, has finished successfully constructing a premium subdivision in Cavite may be deemed trustworthy since they have previously shown that they are capable of completing whatever projects they have planned. It is a severe error to neglect to take this step into consideration since doing so leaves one open to the possibility of investing in properties that, on the surface, seem to be of high quality but, in reality, are of lower quality.


How do you choose the most trustworthy builders that will give you a good return on your money when there are so many to select from? You shouldn't only go with the builders whose ads you see most often or whose developments catch your eye on the way to work. 


Here are 10 qualities of a credible developer that you should look for that might help you find the most reliable real estate developers.


10 Qualities of a Credible Developer to Look for

Follows Quality Standards


Reputable real estate developers will always adhere to quality standards in all of their construction projects. This ensures that they only use materials of the highest quality when constructing their structures and that they go to great lengths to ensure that the suppliers from whom they get these materials can be relied upon. In addition, a developer that is committed to adhering to quality standards will also have their projects routinely audited by third-party companies to guarantee that they are in compliance with all of the prerequisites.


If you're interested in a real estate developer, you may learn more about their work by visiting their completed properties. You might also ask existing residents or renters if they have had any problems with their homes or apartments and see if they have any feedback for you.


A Clear-cut Plan


It is also important to determine whether or not the real estate developer in question uses a set calendar. The real estate developers that have the greatest credibility will announce their plans, offer up-to-date counts of the number of units that have been pre-purchased, and provide estimates for the total amount of money that will be invested in their construction.


In addition, you will need to ensure that this developer is capable of really carrying out their plans in the timeframe that they have specified. If you want to find out if a developer has followed through on their promises, you could read up on some of the articles that have been published in the local newspaper and magazine. Certainly, this pairs well with the following qualities:




When it comes to developers, would you place your trust in one that always struggles to get funding? A developer that acts in this manner will often delay construction or include facilities and materials of lower quality in their properties. If you ignore this, you may come to regret it when the building physically begins to crumble!


Image from Forbes


Find out how many units have already been sold in the development that you are contemplating buying into since this is a really helpful piece of information to know. You might also inquire about the accomplishments of the previous stages of the project. If the real estate developer is credible, they will provide you with the numbers that demonstrate they have the finances for the next phase in their process.




You must take into consideration both the price and the developer's reputation before settling on one. Is it a reasonable price for the service that they offer? Are they open to negotiating the price that they have set? Before you commit to a certain real estate developer, you must be certain of this aspect first. It is crucial to take into consideration the price that is being supplied by these developers, especially if your financial capacity is not all that high or if you are searching for residences that are within your price range.


Impressive Track Record

Investigating a real estate developer's previous work is one of the most effective methods to determine whether or not you can place your trust in that person as a developer. A renowned and trustworthy developer will have an exceptional track record, with the majority of their projects being finished on time and without exceeding the budgetary requirements. Examining the prior projects of a developer will not only give you an idea of their design sensibility but also of the quality of the work that they do.


Image from HubSpot Blog


You may do this by going to their website or pages on social media and learning more about the projects they've worked on previously. You may also search online for reviews of the real estate developer, where you can see what both former and present clients have to say about the company.


Brand Recognition


This is not referring to how widely known the developer is as a result of their marketing efforts; rather, it is referring to the awards that they have received. Awards are not completely reliable indicators of a developer's genuine credibility, but they will provide you with a good estimate of such credibility. Brand recognition is another tool that may assist you in identifying more credible developers operating within the market.

Crisis Management


Despite the fact that real estate developers would want to present their best selves to prospective clients, it is just as vital to evaluate how they handle problems and complaints that arise throughout the course of a project. A credible developer will be able to respond to complaints in a quick and professional manner, regardless of the nature of the problem.


Accountability and Transparency


Transparency is one of the qualities of a successful real estate developer's relationship with their clients. They will keep you updated on the progress regarding the construction of your property and will communicate any information about changes to you promptly.


A developer with a good reputation will also accept responsibility for any errors that they may cause. They will assume full responsibility for any problems that may arise on your property and will make every effort to resolve the situation as quickly as they can.


Your preferred real estate developer also needs to be transparent regarding the prices of the properties they construct. If the developer is reliable, they won't charge you any hidden costs, and they'll keep you informed if there are any price adjustments made to the property.


A Great Professional Network


Image from the CE Shop


In the Philippines, the best developers work in teams. Instead, they cultivate networks with other specialists who have a deeper knowledge of topics like accounting, legal affairs, or building. This indicates that they base all they do on the experience and knowledge of professionals in the field. Finding a reliable real estate developer with industry expertise and a strong support network can be quite profitable.

Genuine Concern for the Customer


Last but not least, the most credible real estate developers in the Philippines make it a priority to enhance the standard of living of their investors. They will certainly show off their most recent work, but they will also work with their customers to set reasonable expectations. These kinds of developers will instantly and honestly inform clients about any delays that they may experience.


They will also be able to assist you with maintenance and security, both of which are fundamental requirements as well as widespread issues for residential complexes. In addition to that, these real estate developers will be accessible to you whenever it is that you want their services. You may give them a call, or you can get in touch with them online.


When starting out in the real estate investment business, consider the following 5 important tips for finding a reputable real estate developer.


5 Important Tips for Finding the Right Developer for You

Do Your Research


It is essential to do research on the functioning of the real estate market in the Philippines at the present time. The prudent course of action would be to begin by doing research on the potential market or purchasers who are in a financial position to purchase the property or land that you are going to put up for sale. Additionally, it is essential to inquire about the situation of the local real estate market from the proprietors of neighboring rental homes. You will have a deeper understanding of the market as a result of this, which will allow you to change the price of your house and come up with a more effective plan to sell it at the same time.


Look Into the Quality of Their Previous Projects


One technique to determine whether a developer is worth investing in is to visit the site of their proposed project. A well-known developer will make sure that the things they make last, especially if they are well-made and made from high-quality materials.


In an effort to boost their reputations, several property developers would stage or digitally enhance photographs of their developments to make them seem more appealing. Being on-site gives one the opportunity to evaluate the quality of the properties that the developers have built for themselves, which is one of the best ways to gain an accurate picture of the developers' reliability. The quality of a subdivision's development may be evaluated by talking to the neighbors about how their homes are holding up after purchase.


Even though the Internet makes it possible for anyone to look at a property without going there in person, there is no substitute for actually going there. 


Be Financially Ready


Investing in real estate requires a significant amount of capital, and if you are not well prepared or do not have a budget that is sufficient, you may have a difficult time searching for property or a home and lot in the country. You will have a hard time finding a house or piece of land in the Philippines for less than one million pesos, which is why you really need to ensure that you have sufficient finances before you can even begin. If you still don't have enough money but you truly want to start owning property or starting a real estate business, you may also seek out established businesses that provide properties or land for a very inexpensive price. This is another option you have if you really want to get started in the real estate industry.


Check for Feedback and Reviews


Discovering how a developer is seen by their clientele is yet another method for determining the developer's level of authenticity. Their feedback may give much-needed insight into the actual skills of the real estate developer that is under consideration, and it can come in the form of either word-of-mouth or internet evaluations.


One may go through a variety of internet websites, such as social media platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and Instagram, among others, to locate client feedback. The web-based tool Google Maps enables users of Google to post their own evaluations of any area they may have visited in the past. If it is feasible to do so, checking up on the property through Google Maps might also be another means of obtaining information about it. It is possible, of course, to simply get in touch with a consenting property owner who has done business with the real estate developer that is being evaluated in order to get their side of the story. This technique, although time-consuming, is at least less likely to result in the dissemination of untruths when compared to the practice of relying on the feedback provided by anonymous users on the internet.


Even if it is possible for a single person's complaint or praise for a real estate developer to be untrue, the probability that the person's complaint or praise is truly legitimate would rise if numerous other individuals are also expressing the same opinions as them.


Check for Professionalism


When it comes to credibility, looking at the part and playing the part may help create a trustworthy first impression in the eyes of prospective clients. This way of thinking is also true for real estate developers, and the most successful ones use this method to its fullest.


Legitimate real estate developers have their own professionally built websites, which are accessible to prospective consumers and allow them to get a sense of the properties and services the developers have to offer. These not only provide a professional facade for the developers who are behind them but also a handy method of contact between clients and the actual company that is behind them. The best real estate developers make it easy for their clients to reach them so that any questions or concerns they may have regarding their developments may be answered and misunderstandings avoided.


Any reputable real estate developer in this day and age, when communication has never been easier, would know how to make the most of this to increase sales. 


Before making a final decision, a wise real estate investor will always take the time to find out as much information as they can about the property they are considering purchasing. An important step in this process is to look into the builders who built the property in question to get a rough idea of how well they have done on other projects.


Many property owners base their decision to invest in a real estate developer’s project on whether or not they feel confident in the developer's overall reputation. For instance, a developer who has successfully finished building a high-end neighborhood in Cavite may be seen as trustworthy because they have already demonstrated that they are capable of finishing whatever projects they have planned. Neglecting to do this is a grave mistake since it opens one up to the chance of investing in properties that, while on the surface appearing to be of high quality, are actually of lesser quality.